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UKAS Certified
Timber Scaffold Boards
Duscaff is certified by UKAS as a manufacturer of BSI graded scaffold boards.
Duscaff personnel are certified by UKAS as visual graders of BSI Scaffold Boards.
Each timber board is visually inspected and either rejected or graded to BS2482:2009 standard. After the inspection process, the graded boards are fixed with metal end-bands that bear the maximum recommended load span, "V" for visually graded, BS2482:09 marking and our BSI registration number.

BSI Scaffold Board Specifications
Section Size:
Unit Weight:
Surface Finish:
Duscaff Product Code:
38 mm x 22 5mm
0.50 – 3.90 m
3.58 to 3.77 kg/m at 20% moisture
Rough Sawn and square cut.
Galvanized end-band on both ends.
V 1.2m SPAN

CATG 1245-CPR- 2265 | DUSCAFF